10 de February de 2021

Você colabora, o esporte transforma: Kaillany Valentim

Como acontece com muitos atletas, a paixão da Kaillany Valentim pelo esporte começou por conta de uma recomendação médica. Aos 4 anos, ela teve que passar por uma cirurgia de retirada de amídalas e adenóide, e uma atividade física foi indicada por seu médico para uma vida mais saudável. Inicialmente, sua mãe achou que o […]
10 de February de 2021

Conheça a primeira atleta Meraki!

O trabalho do Meraki já começou, e anunciamos com muita felicidade a primeira atleta apoiada pela nossa rede! A Joice Rocha é uma guerreira da natação, e com a nossa ajuda (e de muitos outros incentivadores) representará o Brasil na sua primeira competição internacional, a II UANA Swimming Cup, que acontecerá entre os dias 21 […]
10 de February de 2021

You collaborate, sport transforms: Atílio Olegini

Collaboration and love of sport are the main drivers of Meraki. To show how support for young Brazilian athlete makes all the difference in building a better society and with more perspective, today we started to publish interviews with athletes and former athletes who had the chance to evolve further and seek their dreams thanks […]
10 de February de 2021

Meraki Dreams: Youth Olympic Games

With the objective of strengthening the Olympic spirit among young athletes and providing a great immersion in sport, the first edition of the Youth Olympic Games was launched in 2010. The city chosen to host the event was Singapore, and since then the competition has consolidated itself as a unique moment of integration among teenagers […]
10 de February de 2021

Welcome to Meraki blog!

Starting today, we will share here news, information, curiosities and stories that motivate our employees, volunteers and athletes to do more for the sport. In our posts, you will learn more about the actions promoted by our institute, get to know our athletes and have access to content created to awaken the passion for the […]